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Noteflight allows you to purchase music as Noteflight notation files in order to download and print. The purchasing guidelines are below and be sure to read the Noteflight Music Terms of Service for all the fine details. Happy music making!
Unlimited Purchases
Any Noteflight member may purchase unlimited scores and these are saved in the Purchased Score section of your Noteflight account forever. All purchased scores allow format adjustments, part selection, transposition, printing, saving to PDF, and creating editable copies.
Authorized Performers
Noteflight scores are purchased based on the number of authorized performers. Every score has a set number of performers who are included in the price of that work. No printing or copying restrictions are imposed, but you may only use the purchased work for the number of authorized performers. Every score, part, and editable copy of a purchased work includes an authorized usage statement on every page. You may always purchase more usage of a score in order to perform it with a larger ensemble, including after the initial purchase.
Create Editable Copies
For any purchased score, you can create your own editable Noteflight copy. Your purchased scores will always live in the “Purchased Scores” area of your homepage, and all editable copies will be saved in “My Scores”. Editable copies count toward the 10-score limit of a Basic subscription, but you can easily upgrade to Noteflight Premium for unlimited scores.
Editable copies of purchased scores remove cover art as well as any audio recording or synced media used in the purchased version. These copies may be printed and exported to PDF, but still cannot be exported as XML or MIDI.
The composer, songwriter, arranger, copyright notice, and title are not editable for copies of purchased scores. This ensures the score always gives proper credit to the writers and owners of the work.
Adapting Purchased Scores
Editable copies are made available for personal use for the number of authorized performers, and adaptations are only allowed in the Noteflight editor. Purchasing a score on Noteflight does not permit you to adapt a work using another notation program. All applicable copyright laws still apply.
Searching for Adaptable Music
Since all scores on Noteflight can be adapted, make sure to search and filter titles of various instrumentations and formats. If you don’t find exactly what you need in a given instrumentation, you can find a score with a different instrumentation then adapt it to your needs.
All Sales Final
All purchases on Noteflight are final and there are no refunds. If you have a concern or question about a purchase, please contact support immediately.
Selling Music
Please read our Selling Guidelines to get started selling your music.
© Copyright 2008 - 2024 Noteflight LLC. All rights reserved.